Top 16+ Terminal Commands Every Ubuntu User Should Know Working on Ubuntu 15.04, 14.10, 14.04, and more
Many commands on Linux but, this video show you most useful commands in Ubuntu include:Top 16+ Terminal commands Ubuntu user should know:
#1. Become root/superuser:
sudo -i
sudo su
then enter root/superuser password.
#2. cd - Change directory/folder:
cd /
cd /home
#3. ls - list directory/folder contents:
ls [directory/folder]
If you want to see hidden files/directories (beginning with dot.), the use -a flag.
ls -a [directory/folder]
. represents the current directory/folder
.. represents the parent directory/folder
~ represents the home directory/folder (of the user)
#4. mkdir - make/create directory/folder:
mkdir [option] directory/folder
mkdir allskillex
or create recursively directory/folder
mkdir -p akl/ex
#5. rm - remove/delete file/directory:
rm [option] file or directory/folder
rm allskillex.txt
or remove recursively directory/folder
rm -rf akl/ex
#6. mv - rename or move a file/directory:
mv filename directory/ => move the file from source directory to target directory.
mv filename another_filename rename filename to another_filename.
#7. cp - Copy Files/Directories:
cp source target
#8. wget - Download files from server or an entire website:
wget url
#9. shutdown - To shutdown the computer from Terminal:
sudo shutdown -h now
#10. reboot - Restart the computer from Terminal:
sudo reboot
sudo shutdown -r now
#11. apt-get - Command Line Tool for handling packages:
There are various options such as
+ install – To install package.
Install the program vim
sudo apt-get install vim
+ remove – To remove package
sudo apt-get remove vim
+update – To update the package cache
sudo apt-get update
#12. add-apt-repository – To add a PPA (for your favorite Application):
Add the PPA for the Oracle Java from Webupd8team:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
After, adding the PPA, apt-get update command is required.
sudo apt-get update
#13. cat - View File contents:
cat file
#14. you want help:
command --help
#15. man - displays the manual for a command:
#16. zip / unzip Creates a .zip archive or extracts from a .zip archive:
zip -r folder_wanna_zip/*
#17 ifconfig - configure your network:
ifconfig [option]